Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Am An Internet Marketer, Hear Me Boast!

‘I am an Internet Marketer’, the man in the bar says. Or maybe some friend of a friend claims to be an Online Entrepreneur. “Ooh”, you exclaim, and think to yourself that person must be a real genius, and undoubtedly highly successful. But don’t be fooled.
There is a huge difference between someone who boasts about being an Internet Marketer, and someone who actually earns a decent living from it. In fact, if you want to tell people you are an Internet Marketer, but would feel ashamed to simply lie about it, you can become one in less than 10 minutes.
Follow these easy steps…
1. Go on Google and search for ‘weight loss supplements’.
2. Click on one of the displayed results and look to see if they have an affiliate program, or offer commission for promoting their miracle products (same thing really). If they do, then sign up and copy the ‘affiliate link’ they provide for you.
3. Open a Blogger account (just Google ‘’). Follow the simple instruction and create a new blog. Call it ‘Lose 10lbs in 3 Days’. In the body of your new blog, just write ‘I can’t believe how much weight I lost using this miraculous weight loss marvel’. Then paste in the affiliate link you got from the other site. Now publish your blog.
Congratulations…you are now officially an Internet Marketer. In under 10 minutes.
Will you make any money? No. Will you make as much money as 99% of other Internet Marketers? Yes. And that will be exactly $0 and 0 cents.

Does Anyone Ever Make Money From Internet Marketing?
Yes. But it is not an easy task.
The lure of internet marketing is easy to see. You can work from home and all you need is a computer and internet connection…which nearly everyone has these days. But it is never as simple as that. If it was, every office building in the world would be fairly empty.
Internet marketing is a highly competitive industry. If you have little investment to begin with the task will be even more arduous. It is possible to start with a tiny budget, but it may take a long time before you ever see any success. And there can be a lot to learn.
If this has put you off the idea, then good, you probably were not cut out for it anyway. But if you are determined to prove everyone wrong and actually make a career with online marketing then best of luck. Now all you have to do is find some assistance.
Hoping to be a millionaire this time next week? Why not try entering ‘make money online’ into Google? There should be plenty of websites in the results ready to take your money…

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Can Pavlov’s Dog Really Make You Buy Internet Marketing Rubbish?

Ivan Pavlov was a famous Russian psychologist that is probably best known for
his work on ‘classical conditioning’. Much of his work was in the field of behavioral
psychology and he is attributed with coining the term ‘conditional reflex’. The term
refers to someone acting on impulse rather than applying any critical or rational

Does this sound familiar? It should do. Psychological conditioning leading to reflex
actions is one of the wonderful tricks employed by many internet marketing schemes
hoping to lure customers into impulsive purchases. But how do they manage to
work this psychological magic? Before we delve into their murky strategies, it will be
helpful to offer a brief overview of one of Ivan Pavlov’s most famous experiments.

Pavlov’s Dog

Pavlov was performing research into the digestive system and discovered that dogs
tend to salivate (drool) when they think they are about to get fed. His experiment
involved ringing a little bell when he was about to bring food to the dog. The dog
soon associated the sound of the bell with a forthcoming meal. It was soon possible
to make the dog drool by simply ringing the bell, even if no food was present. The
dog heard the bell, thought it was about to be fed, and salivated.

In modern terms, this is the equivalent of a dog getting excited when its owner goes
towards a cupboard containing its food or picks up its bowl. The dog has learnt to
associate these actions with food and will start to drool and get excited. The dog has
been conditioned.

Behavioral Conditioning and Internet Marketing Schemes

Don’t think that dogs are stupid and humans would know better. People are as easily
conditioned as animals. Children learn by conditioning and we are all impulsive by
nature. Internet marketers know this and have come up with some very devious
methods for exploiting our weaknesses.

The merest mention of missing out on a onetime deal and we too become drooling
dogs. Rational thought goes out of the window and impulse takes over. A dodgy
product looks far more inviting when it is about to become unavailable or is offered at
a discounted price.

There are closets full of hideous clothes bought in a panic when they were on half-
price offer for ‘one day only’. The thought of returning tomorrow and finding the item
gone is too much to bear. The item is bought impulsively. Only later, when rational
thought returns do buyers realize the item bought was on offer for good reason…it
was seriously ugly.

Internet marketing schemes use ‘onetime offers’ and ‘time sensitive offers’ to
encourage a conditioned reflex. Blind panic will always mask a bad product. With
critical thinking out of the equation, the marketer can shift lots of merchandise before
people realize what the hell they just bought.

Fake countdown clocks and pop-ups screaming ‘ATTENTION!’ are nothing more
than clever rouses to tap into our predilection for impulsive reaction.

.'If you don’t grab it right now, it will be gone forever!’
.'This is a special onetime offer’
.'75% off, only available today’

We are conditioned to fear loss. Missing out on a potential bargain kills us. What
if this is the product that will make you ridiculously rich and you don’t buy it? Now
you’re sweating, shaking, searching for a credit card and agonizing over whether
to click that ‘Submit’ button, or not. What should you do? Yes or no? Is this really a
good idea? If only you had more time to think. It’s now or never. If you don’t make a
decision now it will be gone.

The decision will nearly always be yes. You will buy a crappy product. You are
conditioned and have no control over foolish impulsive purchases when faced
with a fear of loss and time sensitivity. It’s a human conditioned reflex and simple
behavioral psychology. You are Pavlov’s dog and the internet marketer knows this.
Ring, ring…woof, woof! A.K.A. How to Lose All Your Facebook Friends

I have a question for you. When is a Facebook application not a Facebook

Answer: When it is a site I recently had the misfortune to stumble across. Let me tell
you a little bit about…

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is a particularly malevolent website that purposes to be an
actual Facebook application. But it is not really an application at all. It is a cleverly
disguised marketing scam.

The site masquerades as a realistic-looking Facebook page. It uses the same page
layout as Facebook and even the fonts used on the page are identical to those used
on the official Facebook site. Of course the scammers behind this scheme are not
stupid (they just think the readers are) and they include a miniscule disclaimer at the
bottom of the page announcing that Facebook is not officially affiliated
to the real Facebook.

This disclaimer is small enough to be classified as bacterial. Not only is it tiny, it is
in a grey font that is barely distinguishable from the white page background. For
anyone not studying the page through a microscope it would be easily missed, but it
serves its purpose as a legal get-out clause for the scammers.

Apparently This Is NOT Another Pyramid Sales Scam!

Using a very strong magnifying glass, I also noticed the disclaimer stated this is
not an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) scheme. What a load of rubbish! The ancient
Egyptians could not have created a more obvious pyramid.

I will give you a brief overview of how the scheme supposedly works and you can
decide if you agree that this is not MLM:

You start a Facebook group invite all your friends to it. They will then be encouraged
to sign up for the Pro version of If they have had recent
lobotomies they may invite all their friends too. And so forth. If anyone of the friends
you invite (or your friends’ friends) sign up to the Pro version, you get commission.

So you earn commission from generating leads and from the leads they then
generate. I may be wrong but this form of commission-based sales hierarchy sounds
like the exact definition of a pyramid scheme (which is technically illegal).

Everyone’s a Winner (Everyone Called has two options: Free and Pro. As expected with this sort of
scam the site tells you that the free version is brilliant and will earn you up to $350,
but no more than that. But the Pro version (costing a measly $39) has the potential
to earn you enough money to buy the moon.

As is common marketing scam practice, the particle-sized disclaimer states the site
does not guarantee any actual financial gain (such a lot of information in such a
small space). But the sales pitch boasts that if 50 people sign up for the Pro version
you will receive a $350 payment.

So makes $1600 profit here. But what is to stop them from
saying you have failed to reach the 50 new signups limit and not pay you a penny?
How would you know? And the site does not mention any payment for Pro signups
fewer than 50. Very clever!

Then there is the small matter of persuading your friends to sign up. You may have
been daft enough to waste $39 on the Pro version, but can you seriously say you
know 50 people gullible enough to fall for this same scam, especially when it gets its
cheating behind uncovered?

Happy Smiley Fake People

The bottom of the site’s main sales page has a host of alleged testimonials all
praising the wonders of It does not take a genius to realize
these are faked. The pictures besides these sickly acrimonious comments are not
the sort of realistic profile pictures you would expect to find on a real Facebook

The images are probably ripped straight from online stock photography sites and the
glowing testimonials are undoubtedly the work of the product creators. I will say that
they have done a half decent job of trying to make the comments look realistic, right
down to the use of emoticon-based symbols explaining overwhelming happiness.
But it is still nothing more than self-satisfied, back-slapping, high-fiving, fictitious

And If All of This Was Not Enough

The site kindly provides even more proof that this is nothing more than a marketing
scam – a barrage of cheap, tacky, uninventive pop-ups as you try to hastily exit the

Remember the massive carpet bombing tactics used in the first Gulf War named
Operation Shock and Awe, designed to batter the opposition into early submission?
Well this is Operation Annoy and Irritate.

Designed to break your will to live, these pop-ups offers ask you if you are really
sure you wish to leave (your answer should be yes). They even pretend to show you
how to leave and exit the exit pop-ups, but this is nothing more than a stalling tactic
allowing the site to make a desperate effort to get you to click on an affiliate offer, so
they can at least make something from your visit.

It is all designed to confuse and if you are not careful you end up being redirected to
another marketing scam offer page.

Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts is a new breed of marketing scam and maybe it is a sign of
things to come. This brazen con is piggybacking on the success of Facebook and
while is claims not to be affiliated with the actual site (albeit in the minutest of terms),
it does its very best to make its offer look like it belongs to the actual Facebook site. (should that be .con?) has a slogan that reads, ‘For
facebook members from facebook members (sic)’. If the people behind this scam
are indeed Facebook members they are guaranteed to be the people that you barely
knew at school, never really liked, but insist they want to be your friend. They are the
Facebook undesirables and I urge you never to befriend them and stay well clear of
their fake scam marketing site.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Four Internet Marketers Play the ‘Get Rich Quick’ Game

Four internet marketers sit round their favorite board game: ‘Get Rich Quick'. One of the marketers blows on the two dice in his hand and rolls them across the board. The dice stop – both shows a 2. The marketer punches the air and whoops with delight, he has rolled a double and can now begin on his road to riches.
Rolling again, the marketer gets a 4 and a 3. He moves his gold Lamborghini Diablo board piece 7 spaces, landing on a square marked ‘eBay Fortune’. He receives a ‘Scam’ card. “Yes”, he cries, knowing that if he collects the remaining three ‘Scam’ cards, namely ‘Amazon Riches’, ‘Craigslist Assassin’ and ‘Adsense Arbitrage’, he stands to receive a huge windfall.
The next marketer has already started and is well along the board. Her next roll totals 11 and she moves her little Beverly Hills Mansion piece along 11 spaces, ending up on an ‘Opportunity’ square. “Ooh!” proclaim the other 3 marketers, all excited to see the outcome. An ‘Opportunity’ square means the marketer gets to select a card from the ‘Opportunity’ pile and stands the chance of fast cash.
The card is slowly picked up and cautiously turned over. Shrieking “Oh my God!” the marketer turns the card around so the others can see what is written:
You set up a recurring monthly payment scam without customers realizing. They thought it was a onetime payment. Collect $250 a turn, for the next 5 turns, until the customers notice.
“Awesome!” exclaims the next marketer and picks up the dice and throw a 5 and 2. His tiny luxury yacht moves 7 spaces from the previous square and lands on one labeled, ‘Over-priced Twitter Marketing Guide’. The marketer instantly hands over $100 and buys an ‘Unsolicited Bulk Email’ chip to place on the square. He knows that if anyone else lands on his Twitter product square they will now be hit for an extra $500 payment.
The fourth marketer is currently sitting pretty with 2 product cards and over $2000 in cash. She won most of this by selecting an ‘Opportunity’ card that awarded her $1500 for selling customer’s email addresses to porn and gambling sites. She has just thrown 5 and has landed on the dreaded ‘Rags or Riches’ square.
The other marketers sit nervously as she picks up the card. Hand trembling, she slowly turns it over to reveal her fate…
‘Google has removed all your websites for being misleading and lacking in quality – lose all products. Your marketing career is over!’
The marketer throws down the card and storms out of the room.
The game continues until there are only two marketers left. 10 minutes earlier, the third marketer lost everything when he unveiled a ‘Rags or Riches card that read:
‘All your websites have been found to contain stolen content and you have been accused of violating copyright laws. You are facing multiple large fines and/or a jail sentence. Forfeit everything. Your marketing career is over!’
Out of the two marketers left, one is clearly in the lead. He has over $6000, 4 products and 3 ‘Scam’ cards. He has been continuously calling the other marketer a ‘loser’ for over 10 minutes and now accuses her of ‘being too moralistic and honest to ever survive in this industry’. He has just rolled 11 and landed on a ‘Rags or Riches’ square.
“Yeah baby! You make your own luck in this game. This will be a winner for sure!” the marketer boasts, as he picks up the card and turns it over. The card reads:
‘Your email provider has received over 1000 spam complaints and blacklisted your domain and IP address. And your Adsense Arbitrage product has resulted in customer’s Adsense accounts being deleted. They all want their money back. Lose everything. Your marketing career is over!’
Exploding with rage, the marketer jumps to his feet with such force that he knocks over a bowl of Cheetos and spills his Dr Pepper all over the carpet. Suddenly panicking, he cries “My mom will kill me!” and runs out of his bedroom to find a cloth to clean up the mess.
The last remaining triumphant marketer allows herself a wry, self-satisfied smile. She knew she would win. She deserved to win. After all she took all the chances. Yes, she lost all her products after landing on a ‘Busted!’ square and being penalized for providing a genuine guarantee. And though she did lose the bulk of her cash when she landing on a product square owned by another marketer (who had added a ‘Fake Time Sensitive Offer’ feature to the square), she was still the only one to make a profit and survive.
As she left the bedroom, moving aside to allow the other marketer to frantically run past with cloth in hand, she looked down at the $1 in her hand. “$1 dollar is still better than $0” she thought. Until she realized her bus ticket home would be $2…
Moral of the story: In a game where everyone playing is a cheat, no one really prospers!

Who Else Wants To Make $1432.23 In The Next Ten Minutes?

Jimmy Bob was about to lose everything. He was six years late on the mortgage payments on his single-wide, his wife was leaving him for a guy selling used underwear out of a cardboard box on the interstate, and his beloved coon dog only knew one trick which kept ruining the toilet seat. However, after a few too many six-packs, he accidentally mistyped his favorite website (“Gurlsintrucks.”) and changed his life forever when he discovered the Profits Unbelievable System.

Ten minutes after finding the website you're looking at now, Jimmy Bob's life took an incredible turn:

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Don't the “I want $1432.23!” button below and place your order and before you know it, you'll have made enough to pay the legal fees when the SEC comes after you!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Friendly World of Infomercials

Has this happened to you? You can’t sleep so you get up, fix a snack and plop yourself in front of the television. Chances are the muffled volume isn’t a concern because, before you know it, you’re entranced by images of slick never-before seen products that tell a tale as they flash before you and call your name.

The bright studio lighting is blinding in the darkened room you’re huddled in, but you can’t turn away. A snazzy looking host has drawn you in with delectable tidbits of information that amaze you. Seeing air sucked out of a plastic bag is something you now want to try for yourself. Your mind begins to scan for possible uses so you can justify purchasing a set of these special bags.

Miraculously, whatever problem the host describes pertains to you. You wonder just how he knows you are getting a double chin, have unwanted facial hair, and have trouble dicing carrots. You wonder how you’ve ever gone to parties without first squeezing into a fat-hiding body suit or how you’ve washed your car with an inferior chamois. You become guilt-ridden picturing your arteries clogged because you didn’t cook your burgers on a Perfect Patty Grill.

For some reason, though it’s late at night and time is ticking away, you can’t seem to change the channel or go back to bed. As prices are slashed before your eyes your blood pressure feels like it’s rising. You begin a debate over whether to run and get a credit card or not.

In no time, you know the friendly host and models on a first name basis and begin to worry that they will soon disappear, taking their products with them. As inventory totals drop before your eyes, you panic. You’re left with two options: either buy the darn thing, or go back to bed!

Soon enough, your new friends leave and you’re left in the dark room alone. But you’re not discouraged because you’ve decided it was destiny. You were in the right place at the right time, and soon enough a shipment will arrive at your door that will change your life, all for three easy payments.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Gullible Gender

Men or women - which gender is more disposed to being gullible, to being duped, hoaxed, fooled, misled, and lied to? Let’s take a look at the facts.

From a very young age we are told that little boys are made of “slugs and snails and puppy dog’s tails,” whilst girls are made of “sugar and spice and all things nice.” Professor Von Brainsneezing of Dumbkopf University backs this up. “After examining the evidence, I have come to the conclusion that these findings are correct and accurate.” Abby Sciuto, well-known NCIS fictional forensic expert agrees absolutely with these findings. “You’d never get Special Agent Gibbs to be gullible!” she declares. A frown then crosses her face, “Unless you use a red-headed female. Then he’d be mince.” She disappears in tears.

As we grow up, our gullibility factor remains steady through the tooth fairy years up to the very last letter to Santa Clause. Then something very interesting happens. The boys begin asking Santa for joysticks, and the girls start asking for boobs.

This shows that, whilst there has been a revolution of understanding within the mind of the little girl as she sits on Santa’s lap and notices his delight at her blossoming form, little has evolved in the boy’s brain, except a growing awareness of his need for a joystick. This shows us that the girl is looking to her assets, while the boy is still trying to find his. This behaviour has a tendency to develop and, taken to extremes, has become known as the “Anna Nicole Smith” Syndrome – ANSS for short. If you have ANSS in your pants, you know it’s serious.

As both genders mature in age and experience, the women may have their moments, but it is the men who show definite signs of gaining the lead, streaking ahead in the gullibility stakes, outpacing their female companions in their bid to win, and finally ending in a climatic flourish of gullibility.

Many women may be gullible in believing that they can reach the blissful state of “happily ever after” regardless of their boob size. But countless more men are prey to a much stronger fantasy, aided and abetted by women with a multitude of motives. Men believe it happens time and time again, all over the world, and every time they believe it happens, a little gnome is kicked in the privates by a fairy, accompanied by the sound of ringing balls.

What is it? What is the finish line men cross that makes them triumphant holders of the Trophy for Gullibility?

It is their willingness to believe that they have the biggest, best, most perfectly shaped joystick in the world, and it is a belief that has instigated wars and joint accounts in equal numbers. And, as long as she holds the joystick in question, women will always have the edge over men when it comes to gullibility - and how to exploit it!

The Gullible Idiot - Blogged

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Buy This And Retire Last Week!

Oh, my God! Apparently, if you search online how to make a quick dollar, you will find people who have found ways to make money by scratching their armpits. You know, those get-rich-or-die-trying guides about how one week someone is living in a van-down-by-the-river, and the next he outbids Rich Uncle Pennybags for Gekko's penthouse. Who knew we were just in a recession? If you wish you knew how to become the internet's most prodigious salesman, you are not alone.

People actually believe these people. They have to, or else the marketers would not have their portraits taken in their new Bentleys, fitted with luxurious aardvark fur. Affiliate marketers must be the smartest people on the planet. They make a product, which they create while watching Jersey Shore; next, they slap together a copy page made with their friend, who just proudly earned a prestigious Associate's degree in graphic design; and then they might even produce a cinematography piece that even makes the worst videography teacher think "how could someone produce such a monstrosity?"

In case you did not know, the world hates Americans. True, half of the actual affiliate-marketing cadre are not American, but they feast on Americans who proudly live the American Dream: It's my money, and I want it now! Where else could you con so many highly intelligent, highly motivated logic monsters on how to spend their well-earned cash? What? Turn $47 into $10,000 by next week? Sign me up! You need to ask yourself if affiliate marketers deserve the Anheuser-Busch-Most-Useful-Product Award.

The only question that should be asked about our get-rich affiliate marketers: are they great Americans or the greatest Americans? These philanthropists have given away their secrets of how to afford a fleet of Ferraris this afternoon for the motivated, I-still-live-at-home, recent graduate. There may be a sucker born every minute, but these consumer's advocates will prevent you from becoming the next statistic!

Blog Directory
Add blog to our directory.

Kids Are Easy Marks

Every parent knows that kids are easy marks. That’s the best reason to have them around.

If parents are going to spend zillions of dollars feeding, sheltering and educating their children, they should at least get some enjoyment out of the deal. And the best way to do that is to take advantage of the adorable little people before they turn into surly, text-messaging ipod slaves who ignore their parents and look to Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and ten thousand close personal Facebook friends for life wisdom and fashion advice.

Get them while they’re young.

But not too young. Children who lack language skills are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to believing the shinola their parents are shoveling. That’s why it makes sense for parents to teach their kids to communicate: he who controls the information is pretty much in charge of everything. No wonder Moammar Gadhafi hates Twitter.

Yes, read to the little sponges. Talk to them. It will be time well spent.

Then, once the tiny tykes pick up the mother tongue, the opportunities to take advantage of their gullibility are endless. Just be sure to start with the basics. Build the critical foundation for all the scams to come by asserting parental infallibility: the parents are always right. Always.

Plant this seed and the door to junior’s brain will open wide to whatever Mommy and Daddy choose to cram in.

Feed them Santa and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. They’ll swallow it all, hook, line and sinker. And don’t hesitate to use this mind-control superpower for good. Shock and awe the rug rats into blind obedience by telling them Mommy has eyes in the back of her head and Daddy has magic laser nostrils.

And, when guilt threatens to spoil the fun, go ahead and balance the scales by throwing in a few important life lessons like “drugs are bad” and “do unto others”. Couldn’t hurt.

So don’t wait. Get in on the action as parents all over the world baffle their children with propaganda. Of course, the fun stops when the kids finally get wise to the con and decide that grown-ups don’t have a clue. But don’t fret. Nature has a way of setting things right.

There’s a grandkid born every minute.

The Martians Have Landed

Are we, the general public, gullible or well-informed? How do we know the difference? Our level of trust in the source of information has a lot to do with whether or not we believe what we are told. If an apparently trustworthy person, brand or medium supplies us with information as truth, are we being gullible if we follow the masses that believe without question, or should we take a closer look at exactly who, or what, is behind the message we are being given?

Take the case of suburban housewife Janet Elford. She has gone down in UK history as the victim of one of the nation’s favorite TV pranks, which culminated in her singing to what she believed were aliens in her garden. Janet was taken in hook, line and sinker, when London Weekend Television, which produced “Beadle’s About” between 1986 and 1996, went to extraordinary measures to convince her that aliens had actually landed in her back garden. LWT enlisted the help of both the local policeman, whom Janet knew and trusted absolutely, and the local fire brigade. It was then easy, if expensive, for LWT to arrange a national news anchor man and numerous TV news crews to appear to cover the story. Who could blame Janet for believing what they were all telling her, especially when she was literally under the spotlight? A nation laughed at Janet’s expense, although she was very good-humored about the whole episode.

On this side of the pond, the opposite of this situation occurred in 1938, when one individual took great delight in fooling millions of people. Orson Welles used his magnificent powers to persuade the CBS radio network to let him broadcast a play over their airwaves. Not only that, he also persuaded them to broadcast it on Halloween. The play was an adaptation of The War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells, and was about faceless Martians invading Earth and killing all in their path. Orson Welles understood the value of timing, executing his prank when people were already excited about the Halloween holiday and edgy about the situation in Europe in the build-up to WW2. Orson Welles was a master of the dramatic (some say the master of the dramatic) because he knew that his audience was already nervous and he capitalised on it. He brought his audience to fever pitch almost immediately by seeming to interrupt a regular radio show with an “urgent newsflash” to announce that Martians had landed on US soil. The whole event caused such disruption that it resulted in the introduction of new laws to control how news was delivered to the general public. It was a home run for our hero, Orson Welles, though.

Whatever you believe, someone is probably thinking how gullible you must be. Possibly you’re thinking the same about them.

There's an American Born Every Minute

P.T. Barnum was right when he said that you can fool all of the people some of the time and you can fool some of the people all of the time. What he forgot to mention is that, to succeed in American politics, all you really need to do is fool most of the people who actually vote most of the time. How hard is that? Not hard at all.

Politicians in this country have been serving up the Big Lie since, well, since they figured out they could. A quick look at recent history provides ample proof of that. Weapons of Mass Destruction Casserole, anyone? It comes with a side of Mission Accomplished Loaf. Be sure to save room for dessert, scrumptious I Never Had Sex With That Woman Pie! Yum!

In their defense, politicians are fighting to survive in a world where the loudest, dumbest, most outrageous statements are the ones that get all the attention. When was the last time anyone in this country listened to the voice of reason? Americans wouldn’t recognize the voice of reason if it knocked over their mailboxes with a baseball bat and fired fifty caliber armor piercing rounds through their front doors. And remember, people truly want to be lied to. That’s just the grease that keeps the machine turning.

Yes, people fool themselves because it suits them to do so. Folks on Medicare want to hear that the rich should pay higher taxes. The rich want to hear that entitlements like Medicare are sinking the economy. Left wingers want to be told that conservatives are gun toting, hairy knuckled Neanderthals. Right wingers want to hear that it’s okay to grab liberals by their long hair, drag them back to their elitist caves and put a bullet in their puny communist brains. And every American desperately wants to be told that America is the greatest country ever! Politicians are perfectly happy to play to this crowd.

So here’s to the big Fibbers-in-Chief and all the little fibbers-in-waiting who keep the rest of us entertained without making us think too hard. Old P.T. Barnum himself would be proud. After all, there’s an American born every minute.

The Wonders of a Low Carbohydrate Diet

Low carbohydrate diets became all the rage a few years back and oddly they still remain quite popular even after all the publicized controversy. So are low carbohydrate diets really so bad, or is the case against them nothing but hot air?

How Low Carb Diets Work

Our body uses carbohydrates as its main source of fuel. This fuel is used for many functions and is what gives us the energy to perform from day to day. When the body is starved of carbohydrates, it starts to use fat reserves in place of carbohydrates and this is how low carb diets supposedly result in weight loss.

So What Is So Bad With That?

Well when the body starts burning fat instead of carbohydrates it creates a chemical reaction that occurs within the kidneys. This results in a process known as ketosis and can be potentially harmful to the renal function. Low carb diets can also produce other side-effects, and while these are not hazardous to your health, they may make you somewhat unpopular.

Why Low Carb Equals Low Popularity

To be blunt, low carb diets make you stink! Ketosis can result halitosis, or bad breath. You may be thinner but the only time your friends will want to hear about your miracle diet is down the phone. You could knock down a deer from a mile away.

You can also expect a whole lot of gas and not the good kind that fuels your car. The only thing this gas will power is the power to drive away anyone stood within 10 feet of you. Wind energy may be eco-friendly and clean but your wind energy will be neither. Your stomach will feel more bloated than Santa’s Christmas sack and it is not going to contain the kind of present any child would want.

Weight Loss vs. Friend Loss

A low carbohydrate diet may help to reduce weight but part of the enjoyment of losing those extra pounds is being able to impress your friends and family with your new streamlined figure. Sadly, the chances are with your toxic breath, indigestion and atomic flatulence you will not be getting any party invites anytime soon.

Miraculous New Weight Loss Fruit Discovered In the Amazon Jungle!

A recent expedition into one of the remotest parts of the Amazonian jungle by a conservational research team has resulted in an accidental medical discovery that has created mass excitement in the weight loss industry.

Researchers from the Small Furry Animals Conservation Group (SFACG) were hoping to locate an endangered Amazonian pygmy jungle mouse (minisculus rodentia amozonius), thought to reside in an area of the Amazon that was previously unchartered, when they stumbled upon an undiscovered indigenous tribe never before encountered.

Interacting With the Tribe

The tribe was initially hostile and apprehensive towards the research team. But the research team persevered and soon became accepted into the tribe’s inner sanctum. Overcoming language barrier difficulties by using drawings and sign, the SFACG team discovered the tribe called themselves the ‘Fruuti-Slimmee’.

The Fruuti-Slimmee people were hunter-gatherers, and rather ironically, their main food source was the very same endangered pygmy jungle mouse the research team had been trying to locate. At first the team thought it impossible that any culture could survive by relying on such a tiny creature as their main source of food. But an amazing discovery revealed how this was possible…

A Weight Loss Miracle Revealed!

The Fruuti-Slimmee regularly ate a small bright red fruit, similar to a cherry, and whilst this fruit had no obvious nutritional value it did produce two miraculous side-effects: Rapid weight loss and appetite suppression

The Fruuti-Slimmee called the red fruit, ‘fati-gon-gon’. Not only did the fruit’s side-effect allow the Fruuti-Slimmee people to survive on the meager meal of the pygmy mouse, it also assisted in their efforts to hunt the tiny mammal. The hunting benefits were three-fold:

1. Because the fruit made the tribes people stick thin they were able to easily hide behind even the slimmest of trees.

2. Their svelte figures allowed them to follow their prey into tighter, confined spaces.

3. They presented smaller targets for other jungle predators also hunting the mouse.

The New Diet Miracle Trialed and Tested

Since the SFACG team brought their find back, it has since been given the more scientific label of liposuctionii naturalis. Scientific tests have shown that the fruit rapidly increases the body’s metabolism and causes a temporary contraction of the stomach. These effects last for approximately 6 hours after the fruit is digested. There are other minor side effects which include: chronic wind, diarrhea and a purple tongue. But most dieters will find these effects minimal compared to the rapid weight loss benefits.

The miracle rapid weight loss fruit has been relabeled as the ‘Slimming Berry’ (patent pending) by the dieting industry and will soon be available as both a juice drink and dried fruit product.

Where Can You Buy This Weight Loss Miracle?

You can’t. This was all a load of fictitious nonsense. Sorry, but the idea was to highlight how easy it is to promote some fancily named exotic fruit as a miraculous weight loss marvel. Read the article again and instead of becoming exited when you see ‘weight loss miracle’ try concentrating on the supposed facts!

Stop believing that every new fruit holds some mystical property. The Acai berry is just a berry. Mangosteen is simply another exotic fruit. All fruit is good for you as part of a balanced diet. You don’t need to spend a small fortune on over-priced fad fruits to reap a benefit.

Bananas have lots of potassium. Blackberries, pineapple and cranberries contain anti-oxidants. Oranges and apples have vitamin C. The standard fruits contain the exact same nutritional properties as the over-priced diet super fruits. No fruit will miraculously dissolve fat. Eat healthily, exercise regularly and don’t get sucked in by clever marketing.

"It's Me! It's Me!" - The Simple Little Scam That's Scouring Japan

In the corner of many ATM kiosks in Japan, you'll find a small sign with a comic on it. The comic will show a frightened-looking person - often an older person, a grandmother in an apron - holding a phone. The voice on the other end says, "Ore da, ore da! Taihen da!" "It's me, it's me! Oh, god, something awful's happened!"

This is the Ore-Ore Scam, a classic phone grift used heavily on older individuals who don't hear from their families often. It goes like this: the victim receives a call from someone sounding distraught, perhaps hoarse, crying out, "It's me! It's me!" The victim makes a guess - "Is this Takeshi?" "Yes!" says the scammer. "There's been an accident! I need money! Please, you have to help me!"

On the strength of this story, the victim makes up his or her own details. "Was it a motorcycle accident? I told you you shouldn't go riding that thing at night! I warned you, Takeshi!" "Yes, I know, I'm so sorry! Please hurry, grandmother!"

The victim then hurries to the ATM with their cellular phone and initiates a bank transfer. Japan, a cash-based society, doesn't use checks or credit heavily - most large money transfers take place via a system called "furikomi," which simply involves entering the name of a bank and an account number into the ATM. Because the sender needs provide only an account number, not a name, they never realize that the person they're sending the money to is not "Takeshi." Most people don't memorize their wayward motorcyclist grandchild's bank account number.

The scam depends on two things: one, the victim's inability to recognize a loved one's voice over the phone; and two, their willingness to invent their own story of what happened for the scammer to use. The Ore-Ore Scam works most commonly on older people with nothing to do. While it's common to think of scam victims as people who let greed get the better of them, the Ore-Ore Scam shows a different kind of psychology - it feeds the need for importance, not the need for cash. Given the unusual chance to save the day, victims jump without thinking.

Gambling, A suckers Bet

With a roll of the dice, a spin of the wheel or a deal of the cards anyone can strike it rich, right? For anyone, especially anyone who failed high school math, gambling is the quickest way to Easy Street.

Wanna bet?

The truth is that most people looking for Easy Street end up buying a ticket on the idiot bus, getting off at the corner of Empty Wallet Avenue and Fool’s Gold Lane, and asking for directions from the filthy rich, cigar chomping casino owner in the suit spun from broken dreams and shattered lives.

Gambling is a sucker’s bet. The whole point is that the house always wins. That’s the gambling industry’s business model.

Do the math. In order for gambling establishments to stay in business, gamblers have to lose more money than they win. Everybody knows this. Even gamblers know this, yet they still gamble. It’s human nature. It’s addiction. Smokers know that cigarettes are dangerous for their health. It says so right on the side of the pack, yet they still smoke. The same is true for people who gamble. They know they are going to lose but, like cigarette smokers, they are addicted. Ever notice how many gamblers are also smokers? Ever wonder why?

Sure, everyone knows someone who went to Las Vegas, bet on thirteen black and walked away with a small fortune. That’s the kind of story that people who dream of jackpots and dollar signs love to hear. The kind of story nobody wants to hear, much less tell, is the story of some schmuck who, every weekend for twenty-five years, heads off to the casino, dumps a couple of hundred bucks into the slots, and comes home smelling of cigarettes, booze and failure.

Here’s the kicker, the guy who tells the thirteen black story is that same schmuck who lost his wife, his kids and his home in the suburbs to his gambling addiction. The house always wins. Always.

Bet on it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Telemarketing Calls Are a Health Risk

It’s a familiar scenario: The phone rings and Caller ID displays ‘number withheld’ or ‘unknown’. You agonize whether to screen the call or ignore it completely. But maybe it is something important…like a hospital trying to reach you or maybe your workplace? Or it could be an urgent call from the bank? You rush over, desperate to grab the phone before the caller hangs up. Snatching at the handset you place it to your ear, answer with a curious, “Hello?”, and listen attentively for the response.

“Hi. This is Cindy from The Shaky Window Company. Can I take a minute of your time to ask you a few important questions?”

Telesales calls are one of the major causes of household phone damage. They can result in raised blood pressure and heightened irritation. Many victims have suffered an uncontrollable urge to curse and kick a family pet following one of these infectious calls. They should come with a warning before anyone is actually allowed to speak.

“Mental health warning: The following call may cause sudden psychosis, and result in acts of uncontrollable rage. If you are prone to losing your temper when receiving any unwanted, privacy invading call, please hang up now.”

The problem is you never know it’s a marketing call until you answer. It seems unjust that you should need to screen calls just to avoid infuriating phone harassment from these cold-calling pests. They do not even possess the bravery to come to your house, knock on the door, and face you in person. Plus they never offer up a full name.

Telemarketing is intrusive cowardice of the highest order and nobody on earth who possesses a phone ever wants these calls. So why are they allowed? Phone service providers should be held accountable. Let everyone stand up to the phone companies and declare: ‘We will only pay when you stop providing telemarketing irritants with phone lines’.

Gullible or Just Plain Dumb?

The dictionary definition of gullible is…

But wait: before we see what the dictionary definition of gullible is, let’s be clear about what it is not.

A gullible person is not the same as a person who has diminished mental capacity. If you try a gullibility prank on someone like this, you are the one who needs help.

Nor does it describe someone who is stupid. Stupid is a person with an I.Q. rating which starts just above the “diminished mental capacity” level, and has a complex mathematical equation of “age x boredom x length of years married x I.Q. x risk factor of possible consequences if stupid action is undertaken = what the hell, GO FOR IT!”. We are all stupid at some time in our lives. It may just be once or twice, a little “brain freeze”, making a stupid decision because we have not fully considered the possible outcomes of our actions. But then, it may be all the time, all day, every day. The higher the rate of stupid decisions made, the more likely a person is to be tarred with the “dumbass” brush for life.

While gullible is similar to stupid in that we all have it in us to be gullible, it is an entirely different beast in its nature. To admit to having made a stupid mistake is admitting to not having used your brain with due care and attention. Being gullible is to not even engage your brain in the first place. You can easily spot the gullible person in the room, standing in the corner turning over the piece of paper that has “P.T.O.” written on both sides. Gullible is the person who believes exactly what they are told, and accepts it as credible without turning on their brain and taking a moment to analyse the facts of who/where the information is coming from, weighing that up with a factor that we shall call the “blindingly obvious unless your brain is turned off”, and coming to the inevitable conclusion that THEY ARE BEING TOLD A GLARING LIE!

Now that we have established exactly what gullible is not, let us return to our dictionary definition of what it is.

Or rather, that’s what we would have done if the powers that be hadn’t decided that it should be removed from the dictionary because it doesn’t get used enough.